Who is Service Corporation International (SCI)?

Service Corporation International (SCI) was initially founded in 1962 and has its company headquarters in Houston, Texas. They own 1,471 funeral homes and 488 cemeteries in the U.S. and are the largest funeral and cemetery services company in the world. SCI provides any and all funeral-related services mainly in the United States and Canada, but … Read more

Planear un Funeral o Cremación en Texas

Hoy en dia la muerte aun es un tema muy poco discutido en nuestra cultura. Algo que mucha gente encara sin jamás haber abiertamente considerado el proceso de cuidado de la muerte. Muchas sociedades funerarias en Texas ofrecen servicios de pre-planificación funeraria. Si usted ha tenido unfallicido recientemente – y tiene que planear un funeral, … Read more

Funeral Potatoes – A Mormon Tradition!

Typing ‘Funeral’ into a Google search recently, I was completely surprised when Google suggested ‘Funeral Potatoes’ as a searched phrase. Curious, I clicked on the suggestion to find out more. What I discovered is that “Funeral Potatoes” is a term given to a dish, made largely from potatoes, that is traditionally served at Mormon funerals. … Read more

Crowdfund a Funeral: A new way to cover funeral costs

When I first heard about the notion of crowdfunding it seemed quite a fantastical idea. The original premise of crowdfunding was hatched within the incubator of entrepreneurship and raising capital for small business ventures. Its extension into the fund-raising arena for other causes was, I guess, a natural evolution. We are all familiar with the … Read more